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世界语外教:检马奇(Maciej Stanisław ZIĘBA)

发布日期:2023-09-14    作者:     来源:     点击:


Maciej Stanisław ZIĘBA, Ph.D., born 1957, Polish philosopher and scholar, specialist in Asian philosophies, religions and languages, researcher of human migrations and border-crossing cooperation; teacher at all levels of education, from kindergarten to university and continuous education; civil servant (recently of the 6th rank, out of 9) in consular and regional public administration of Poland (awarded in 2012 The Golden Medal of Long-Term Service). Nyayaist – Confucian by philosophical conviction; Roman Catholic by faith. Married, having two daughters.

He has studied at the universities in Lublin (KUL), Paris (Institut Catolique de Paris, INALCO, Paris III, Paris IV; IIAP), Montreal (McGill U.), Rome (LUISS Guido Carli), and Taipei (Shi Da). He has obtained his M.A. in philosophy and psychology in 1981, his Ph.D. in 1989. He was working 1987-1991, 1997-2012, 2014-2018 as a senior lecturer, assistant professor and associate professor at the Catholic University of Lublin (Poland), Faculty of Philosophy (Institute of Theoretical Philosophy and Institute of Cultural Studies) and Faculty of Humanities (Section of Sinology), teaching i.a. Indian, Chinese and East Asian philosophies and religions, Asian languages: Sanskrit, Tibetan, Pali, Classical Chinese (Wenyanwen). Under his supervision 21 students obtained M.A., 5 students obtained B.A., he was a tutor and reviewer of 1 Ph.D. thesis. He has conducted research and/or has been a visiting scholar i.a. in Oslo, Montreal (McGill U.), Strasbourg, Marseille (U. Aix-Marseille II), Lublin (UMCS), Cracow (UJ), Venice, Shimla (IIAS), Taichung (Tunghai U.). He concurently used to work as a teacher and school principal (Lublin, Asker (Norway), Montreal), consul of Poland in Paris and Montreal (1991-1997), as a civil servant of the regional administration in Lublin (1998-2018). Since October 2018 – a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the School of Foreign Languages, Zaozhuang University, Shandong, China.

He has published more than 200 publications, i.a. he was the editor of the section of Eastern Philosophies of Powszechna Encyklopedia Filozofii (The Universal Ecyclopaedia of Philosophy), vol. 1-10, PTTA, Lublin 2000-2009, the section which contains ca. 350 articles by a team of ca. 25 scholars, summing up to ca. 900 pages in 4°. He had delivered papers during more than 20 international conferences. He can speak 14 languages, read and/or understand more than 30. Apart from the Oriental languages mentioned, he was teaching English, French, Esperanto, Russian, Latin, Polish for foreigners. Since 1975 he is an active Esperantist, member of the Universal Esperanto-Association, lecturer of the International Academy of Sciences San Marino; since 1986 active Klingonist, member of the Klingon Language Institute. Also a member of the Polish Oriental Society, Polish Philosophical Society, International Association of Buddhist Studies, Indian Intellectual Traditions Association and a few other learned societies.